Question: What applications/software is available in the Assistive Technology (AT) room?

There are 6 PCs in the Assistive Technology room and some of the main applications/software available on these are:

  • MS Office365 suite
  • Read & Write Gold
  • Zoomtext
  • Inspiration
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Jaws
  • Kurzweil 1000
  • Pro-Study
  • Typing Skills software
  • Robobraille
  • Trello

These are available on the desktop for easy access. There are also modified mouse and keyboards available and you can get these at the library helpdesk directly outside the room.

For more information on Disability Supports and contact details see here.

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Note: If you encounter technical difficulties with Moodle or Turnitin when submitting an assignment, this must be logged with the IT Support Hub.

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