Question: How do I scan documents in the library?
To scan documents you can just go to one of the 4 printers in the library and swipe your student card (all 4 printers can scan in colour).
If you have several pages and you are happy for them all to be scanned to the same pdf document you can put them into the top tray, all together and facing up, please make sure there is no staples or paper clips.
If you have a single document or something like a book or a passport which would not pass through the machine you need to lift the top part of the printer and put the document/book/passport facing down on the glass (make sure you take note of the markings along the edges which tell you were to place the document to make it fit within an A4 page.
When the documents or object you want to scan are in place follow the below instructions using the printer screen:
1. After you've swiped you student card the below screen should show and on the left hand-side you can choose the option Scan and Send.
2. Next you will be brought to the below screen where if you are happy for the scanned document to be sent to your student email address you just press the Send to Myself option. If you want to send the document to another email address you need to choose the New Destination option and type in the email address.
3. Assuming you chose the Send to Myself option you will be brought to the below screen where your student email address will be highlighted in yellow. On the right hand-side you can check that you are happy with the setting before you scan, PDF is the default format that the scans are sent in (see our FAQ below for other options) and the printer will automatically pick up the size of the document and whether there is colour in it.
4. If you are happy that the email address and settings are correct you can hit the big green button on the bottom right of the printer (circled below). If using the top tray method all pages will be taken in and sent to the email as one document. If using the glass to scan for example the chapter of a book, once you scan the first page a dialog box will appear with the option to Start Sending, if you want to scan more pages and keep them all together on the same document you just put the next page down on the glass and hit the green button again, only when you have scanned all the pages you want do you then hit the the Start Sending option on the screen.
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