Question: Are there computers / PCs in the library?

Yes, the library has PCs that are available for all students to use. These are located on the left hand-side after you enter the 4th floor of the Spencer Dock Library. There are also a number of PCs available for students on the 5th floor of the Spencer Dock Library. See our guide for instructions on how to log in to PCs. These PCs do not need to be booked.

The Assistive Technology Room also has a small number of PCs and this room does not need to be booked.

Presentation screens are available in five of the library's group study rooms, including three interactive Clevertouch screens and two TV screens. Both types of screens may be used to display images or video and practice presentations. The Clevertouch screens can also be used as a whiteboard. More information on these screens, including instructions on their use, can be found here. 

Library desks are equipped with power sockets for students with laptops.

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