How do I identify or define types of Plagiarism ?

How many types of plagiarism are there generally?  


There are generally 10 types of unoriginal work on the Plagiarism Spectrum. 

  1. Clone: Verbatim copying without additions/subtractions. 


  1. CTRL+C: Largely verbatim copying from a single source with minor changes. 


  1. Find-Replace: Verbatim copying with key words/phrases changed, often automatically. 


  1. Remix: Paraphrasing content so that it flows seamlessly with other work.


  1. Recycle: Plagiarizing from older works of your own (self plagiarism).


  1. Hybrid: Combining correctly cited material with non-cited material in the same passage.


  1. Mashup: A mix of copied and original content from various sources without attribution. 


  1. 404 Error: Including citations that do not exist or are inaccurate.


  1. Aggregator: Properly cited material that contains little original content.


  1. Re-Tweet: Includes proper citation but uses too much of the original wording, content that should have been quoted but was paraphrased. 


Sources: spectrum 

Source:  accessed: 22nd May 2019 

  • Last Updated 12 09, 2022
  • Views 840
  • Answered By Mary Buckley

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