What would happen if a student submitted the same paper to two different submission points/links?(Instructor/staff resource)

A lecturer has 2 submission links. One, a turnitin link for feedback, one a turnitin link for final submission - Will the student end up being highlighted for plagiarism against their original submission


If a student submits a paper to an assignment within one class and then proceeds to submit the paper to a different assignment, but within the same class, Turnitin will pick up the match but will recognise it as a self-match and will automatically exclude this match from their report.

If the student submits the paper to an assignment within one class and then submits the same paper to a different assignment, within a different class, this will then show on the report as a match. In this case the instructor can review the match and if happy it is just a self-match they can use the tools to exclude the match from the report, once this has been done the report score will re-calculate without the excluded match.

In clarification, if the instructor has 2 separate submission points within the same Moodle course the service will automatically disregard the self-match.

  • Last Updated May 04, 2020
  • Views 2999
  • Answered By Dan English

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