Most books will automatically renew 2 days before the due date, unless there is a waiting list on the book (see automatic renewal FAQ below). However, it is possible to renew books yourself at any time by doing any of the following:
1. Logging onto your library account by clicking on the "Library Login" button on the top right hand corner of the library website. This will bring you to the library login where students and staff should use the Single Sign On option and use their college email address and password. From here you can see the books you currently have on loan and when they are due. You can also renew them here, by clicking on the "Renew" button on the right.
2. Using the self-service kiosk in the library. These are located on the 4th and 5th floors of the Spencer Dock Library, beyond the glass partition to the right after entering, as below.
You can renew books you currently have on loan by scanning your student card at the kiosk and logging into your library account. You will then have the option to renew some or all of your books. You do not need to have the physical books with you to do this, just your student card.
3. You can ask a member of staff at the library desk if it is possible to renew your books, again you do not need the books with you, just your student card.
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