Why is the text on my Similarity Report highlighted in different colours?


When you click on your Similarity score you will be brought to your Similarity Report (or Originality Report). This gives a breakdown of every part of your text where Turnitin has found a match from other online sources. This is nothing to be alarmed about, the important thing is that you have referenced these passages correctly and in the case of paraphrasing you have changed the text an appropriate amount from the original.

Often each passage can be highlighted in a different colour and this is just to differentiate each match and make it easier for the student to look at each source individually, this colour coding does not mean anything in terms of whether a passage is plagiarised or not.

Turnitin Feedback Studio has useful information on examining the different sources found to match your text, you can read this here.

  • Last Updated 24 11, 2022
  • Views 2768
  • Answered By Dan English

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