What is Turnitin and how do I use it?


  • Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. When you submit your paper, Turnitin compares it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc. At the National College of Ireland (NCI) Turnitin is accessed through Moodle, our virtual learning environment (VLE).


  • Turnitin is integrated into the assignment tool in Moodle. This means that when you upload your paper to Moodle for grading, it will automatically be sent through Turnitin's repository. 


  • The Similarity Report that it generates will help to identify possible instances of plagiarism. Turnitin matches submitted text against its own database of electronic materials and the internet and produces this Similarity Report. This report highlights any matches it finds and gives an overall percentage of matched text found in the submitted paper. It also gives a breakdown of the percentage found and links to where each piece of matched text was found.
  • Last Updated 27 02, 2023
  • Views 2380
  • Answered By Dan English

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